At Union Congregational Church


Sunday At 10am

176 Cooper Avenue, Montclair, NJ 

YouTube Livestream: www.youtube.com/unioncong1

About Worship

From our minister, Rev. Katrina Forman

Worship is central to our life together. It is where we gather to worship God, find inspiration and meaning, seek the movement of the Spirit or a moment of peace, and express the joys and sorrows of our hearts to God who loves us all. We follow a similar order of service each week, that includes a call to worship, hymns, unison prayer, passing the peace, scripture reading, message for all ages, a sermon, sharing joys and concerns, the Lord’s prayer, and a closing blessing . Music is an integral part of our worship service. Our congregation is made up of people from many religious backgrounds – some raised in the UCC, others in Catholic or evangelical traditions, and others with no church background or coming from other faiths. All are welcome, and find parts of the service that speak to them. Our services are usually about an hour long.



